We believe in democracy, but what does it really mean today to most people? I would suggest that in a world of changing technology and norms, there is an old fashioned notion of democracy – discussion and deliberation about issues with everyday people – that is even more important than ever. This is the ethos for this campaign. It is what we seek to bring to everyone, a politics of people who are there and who listen and who promote respect for everyone in North Brooklyn.
One of the things which is all too easy to hear over and over again is the idea that the world has problems that are just so big that there’s no hope, that politics is too slow or too uncreative to fix what’s broken. I hear that, and yet I thoroughly disagree. We want to spread a different message – hope and belief that a better world is possible! Democracy is about bringing back the future by bringing power to the people. This is what we are here to do.