Andrew Bodiford

Democrat for New York State Assembly district 50

about me

Andrew Bodiford, a graduate of CUNY Law in 2019, is deeply rooted in the communities of Williamsburg and Greenpoint and has lived in both neighborhoods. With a fervent passion for his city of New York and a commitment to ensuring affordability for all its citizens, Andrew Bodiford is running for office to become the advocate for change we need.

Andrew is a lawyer and an author. He operates his own law practice, Law Offices of Andrew Bodiford, Esq., PLLC, which specializes in innovative areas of law such as space law as well as law for social justice and the rights of the people – including tenants’ rights and personal injury. His interests always extended beyond legal practice; Andrew authored The Economic Reformation which delves into the intersections of our of long-term economic and ecological crises and the looming impact of AI and labor-saving technology on the economy. 

A tireless advocate for economic justice, Andrew Bodiford’s activism spans Occupy’s Declaration Committee, through his advocacy for the people and for tenants’ rights as a student, to his current work as a lawyer and author. His experiences have illuminated the deficiencies of the current system that governs housing supply and housing security in New York, particularly the wide deference given to developers who are not required to build nearly enough new units that are truly affordable and whose interests in determining market rate rents diverge sharply from the public interest. The paradigm the legislature has enabled of letting  market capitalism determine rents for unregulated apartments in this city has failed when many young people and long time residents are being forced out of the city they live in. Andrew Bodiford firmly believes that we need to ensure housing security for all individuals, instead of letting exorbitant rent increases dictate who can afford shelter and forcibly displace long-standing residents.

Priorities and Issues

- make housing affordable
- work with cities and states around the world to stop climate change
- improve frequencies and reliability for the g train and the JMZ trains
- Lower Insurance premiums
- increase bus service in greenpoint and williamsburg
- clean up industrial pollution
- extend ferry hours
- protect and improve our park facilities; keep them accessible for everyone
- make streets safe in all of north brooklyn
- protect our schools; increase funding
- create single payer universal healthcare for new york
- protect culture, nightlife, and small businesses from rising rent


We have a housing emergency. Andrew Bodiford views the housing crisis as the paramount issue facing North Brooklyn. With rent spiraling out of control, he believes in the urgent need for radical legislative action with pragmatic impacts to safeguard affordable housing. Williamsburg and Greenpoint are at the leading edge of the housing armageddon in New York and we deserve a representative who treats the threat to our homes with the priority it requires – and fights passionately, intelligently, and creatively to bring together a coalition of other legislative members to fix it. New York’s legislators failed to act in 2021 or 2022 to preserve the once in a generation affordability gains made by tenants during the pandemic. Market fluctuations have since made the housing crisis worse than ever before for our community as property prices rebounded from the pandemic and the ‘work from home’ era shifted the real estate market away from Manhattan. Andrew Bodiford pledges to lead a concerted effort to address this crisis, pushing the Overton Window and rallying a coalition of fellow legislators to enact meaningful reforms that prioritize the needs of residents over profits. 


Climate change is the greatest long term threat to the world, an existential threat, and it is a particular threat to us in our neighborhoods in North Brooklyn too since we have some of the longest low lying waterfront areas in New York City that are vulnerable to flooding and sea level rise. Andrew Bodiford advocates for collaborative solutions at the local, national, and international levels. Andrew calls for greater cooperation between New York’s legislature and global counterparts, urging innovative strategies that create a framework in customary international law to transcend political gridlock and prioritize environmental sustainability. Working with cities and states around the world to build solutions for the climate that can work is key to protecting our future, and it starts here in Brooklyn – with or without action from the United States Federal Government that Republicans in Congress have blocked for decades. 

By intertwining legal expertise with a steadfast commitment to social justice, Andrew Bodiford promises to be a formidable and creative advocate for the future of our planet, dedicated to advancing the interests of his constituents and safeguarding this city.


Cities and International Law

Space Law for Future Habitats

The Economic Reformation



High Speed Rail

The United States has lagged behind in the creation of a truly high speed rail network. Acela is more expensive

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Public Transport

As a longtime rider of the G train, I understand the pain when the train doesn’t show up. While undoubtedly

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Democracy We believe in democracy, but what does it really mean today to most people? I would suggest that in

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Paid for by Andrew Bodiford for New York

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